Hen party theme idea – cats and kitties

23 Mar

Sir Andrew Lloyd Weber has composed one of the greatest musicals of 20th century “Cats” which is still popular and shown in the theatres over the World. The fame of the song “Memories” is amazing and stands besides Queen Michael Jackson and Madonna’s songs. I am sure all the girls know that romantic song from that musical.

What a nice hen party theme it would be if all the participants could dress up like cats. What you need is just some paint for a face (you can buy it in every bigger toy shop in UK) or some usual make up. Before the party just paint the cat face. Here is a tutorial video how to paint a sexy cat face:

And do not forget the hand make up and appropriate nails. In order to make a party a real fun, just help each other with the make up. Before the party just gather in someones apartment and dedicate a couple of hours to a make up procedure. Preparation party will be fun as well as main hen (cat) party.

The dress can be either purchased in one of online dress shops or you can make them yourself by finding some leopard skin texture clothes in a second hand clothes shop. If you could find some pieces of artificial fur and sew it to the back of your dress or trousers like a tail, it would be even more effective.

The cat is a real house animal and still very independent, so the venues should be related to that fact that cal lovers are gentle, sexy and independent people.

Do not forget to grab your cameras because this process of turning from a lady to a sexy cat needs to be filmed and photographed, not only the hen night venues and party moments. If you are going out public, you can make a photo session with strangers – they do not mind. If you can carry a some music with you, make sure you have songs about cats and of course songs from musical “Cats”. Should be an impressive party not only for you, ladies, but for all whom you will meet during that party. And don’t drink any milk. Mixing it with alcohol can have very dramatic results for your liver.

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